Web Interface

What is the Web Interface?

The Web Interface is the browser version of luckycloud. You can access it by logging into your luckycloud account via our website.

How do I upload data via the Web Interface?

  1. Log into your luckycloud account via our website.
  2. You are now in your customer dashboard. Navigate with the mouse to the "Cloud Storage" tab (top right) and click on it.
  3. You are now in the overview of your cloud storage. Here you can create a new directory using the "New Directory" button (green "+" symbol at the top left). luckycloud_Erste%20Schritte12a_Neue%20Verzeichnisse%20erstellen
  4. Here you can assign a name to the directory. luckycloud_Erste%20Schritte12b_Neue%20Verzeichnisse%20erstellen
  5. Optionally, you can also encrypt the directory. To do this, you must activate the slider at "Encrypt" and set a password. This way, only people who have the password can access the directory.

Note: End-to-end encryption is only available when using the sync client. In the browser version, the data is encrypted only on the server.

  1. Open the newly created directory and upload files or folders via "Drag & Drop" or using the "Upload" button (green arrow at the top left next to the "+" symbol). luckycloud_Synchrinisieren01_Daten%20Upload%20Webinterface
  2. A pop-up window opens, and you can choose whether to upload files or entire folders. luckycloud_Synchrinisieren02_Daten%20Upload%20Webinterface
  3. Select one of the two options, and your Windows Explorer/Finder (macOS) opens. Select the appropriate data and upload it.

Note: An encrypted directory cannot be decrypted again. Encryption is a one-time process, like a fingerprint, which is irreversible. To decrypt the data in the directory, you must upload it to a completely new directory.

How do I clear the browser cache?

If the page does not display correctly, you need to clear the browser cache. Depending on the browser and operating system, the following key combinations are available:

Browser Windows macOS Linux
Mozilla Firefox Ctrl + Shift + Delete Cmd (⌘) + Shift + R Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Google Chrome Ctrl + Shift + Delete Cmd (⌘) + Shift + Backspace Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Microsoft Edge Ctrl + Shift + Delete Cmd (⌘) + Shift + Backspace Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Safari - Cmd (⌘) + Option + E -