luckycloud NAS Sync

Highly available and scalable cloud storage with NAS sync & backup.

luckycloud naSync combines all the features of the luckycloud cloud platform with state-of-the-art technology for backup, recovery and real-time synchronization of your (NAS) servers.

With luckycloud naSync, companies as well as individuals rely on a powerful real-time NAS synchronization that offers all the features of the luckycloud cloud platform. The luckycloud cloud platform is particularly high-performance and highly available because the services are distributed across several data centers in Germany.


On this page you will find:

Typical use cases for luckycloud NAS Sync

  • Real-time synchronization of (NAS) servers to realize collaborative work, home office and remote collaboration worldwide.
  • Synchronization & backup of (NAS) servers with the possibility to edit the data online
  • Synchronization between multiple servers with each other

The special features of luckycloud NAS Sync

Intelligent solution for backup and cloud platform functions combined.

  • With luckycloud naSync you have full access to all your data on a (NAS) server via the cloud and at the same time have a full backup of your data.

Ransomware protection.

  • State-of-the-art snapshot technology allows you to easily restore your data to a previous state with just a few clicks.

Data transfer with unique security.

  • luckycloud naSync supports client-side encryption, SSL connection and server-side luckycloud encryption. This keeps your data protected during file transfer and storage in luckycloud.

Data transfer with unique performance.

  • luckycloud naSync uses a sophisticated Delta Sync algorithm to transfer data to the cloud. This has the great advantage that the complete files do not always have to be updated and transferred. Instead, the data is split into blocks before uploading and only the blocks relevant to the change are synchronized.

Setup NAS Sync & Backup with QNAP servers

Setup Container on NAS Server

  1. via "App Center " the app: "Container Station ".
  2. go to "+create " and enter "luckycloud " in the search field. 3.
  3. click "install " in the search result on the right side. 4.
  4. in the new window you can choose the name of the container. e.g.: "luckycloudsync".
  5. set (recommended) "CPU limit " and "Memory limit " to 75%.

Share Folder Setup

  1. click on "Advanced settings >>".
  2. navigate to "Share folder " on the left side
  3. here at "Volume from host " click on "Add "
  4. click "Host path " to be able to select the share folders of your NAS. (e.g. /data)
  5. at "Mount point " enter "/luckycloud ".
  6. if you want to mount multiple share folders, add to "/luckycloud " the folder selected in "hostpath ". (e.g. Luckycloud/Data)
  7. please confirm all entries and close the window.
  8. on the top right side you can watch the download and the creation of the container.
  9. on the left side navigate to "Container " and click on the blue font of the newly created container to open the operation console.

Setup NAS Sync & Backup with Synology Servers


Docker is a lightweight virtualisation application that lets you run thousands of containers developed by developers around the world in DSM. You can search for applications from other talented developers in the hugely popular Docker Hub integrated image repository.

luckycloud compatible NAS devices

Here you can see which Synology devices are compatible with Docker.

Installing a container

  1. install the app "Docker " via **"Package Center
  2. navigate to "registration " with left tab
  3. enter "luckycloud " in the search window in the upper right corner
  4. double click the search result "luckycloudbox/lcbox ".
  5. without changing anything click "select"'.
  6. now download "image " "luckycloudbox/lcbox:latest " under "image ".

Setting up the container.

  1. after installation double click "luckycloudbox/lcbox:latest ".
  2. recommended: Check "Enable resource limitation " and reduce "Memory limit " to about 75%.
  3. click on **"advanced settings
  4. go to "Volume " in the upper tab.
  5. click "Add Folder ".
  6. now click on the folder you want your luckycloud to be synchronized with and confirm with "Select ".
  7. at "Mount path " now enter "/luckycloud ". Confirm this with "Apply " and then with "Next ". 9.
  8. finish the installation with a click on "Done ".

Setup NAS Sync & Backup with Synology Servers

Installing a Container

  1. install the app "Docker " via **"Package Center
  2. navigate with left tab to "Registration ".
  3. enter "luckycloud " in the search window in the upper right corner
  4. double click the search result "luckycloudbox/lcbox ".
  5. without changing anything click "select"'.
  6. now download "image " "luckycloudbox/lcbox:latest " under "image ".

Setting up the container.

  1. double click "luckycloudbox/lcbox:latest " after installation.
  2. recommended: Check "Enable resource limit " and reduce "Memory limit " to about 75%.
  3. click on **"advanced settings
  4. go to "Volume " in the upper tab.
  5. click "Add Folder ".
  6. now click on the folder you want your luckycloud to be synchronized with and confirm with "Select ".
  7. at "Mount path " now enter "/luckycloud ". Confirm this with "Apply " and then with "Next ". 9.
  8. finish the installation with a click on "Done ".
  9. now go to "Container " in Docker and double-click the installed container. 11. now navigate to "Apply " and click "Next ". Now navigate to "Terminal " to get to the Control Panel.

Operation NAS Sync & Backup via Console

The operation of luckycloud NAS Sync & Backup is solved via an integriete console. You can perform all tasks by simply selecting and confirming certain options.

Press "ENTER " in the newly opened black window to start the console. In the now opened view you have to enter the corresponding number for each option and always confirm it with ENTER.


  1. enter the number 1.
  2. select your product
  3. enter your login data


Enter the number 1 to access the possible settings

  • Enter the number 4 to change the language
  • Enter the number 5 to change the local path
  • enter the number 6 to change the server
  • enter the number 7 to activate / deactivate 2FA
  • enter the number 8 to enable / disable the synchronization of the temporary files of MS Office and LibreOffice

Smart Sync

If you already have a folder structure that is located both locally on the NAS server and online in luckycloud, you can initiate automatic synchronization via "Smart Sync ".

Select "Smart Sync ". 2.

  1. if "Smart Sync " finds identical folder pairs, select "Perform Smart Sync ".
  2. folder pairs are now automatically synchronized

If "Smart Sync " does not find folder pairs, you can link them manually via "Add Sync Pair ". 1.

Select "Add Sync Pair ". 2.

  1. select from the "Online Library " the folder to be paired Select the corresponding "Local Folder ".

**Remove Sync Pair" interrupts such a connection again. 1.

Select "Remove Sync Pair ". 2.

  1. enter the connection to be deleted.

Download & Sync the online library

If an online library already exists and you want to integrate it into your NAS server, you need option "3".

  1. select option "3"
  2. select library to import and wait for download.

Upload & Sync local folders

To upload a folder from "host path " and sync it for the future.

  1. select option "4"
  2. select desired folder and wait for upload.

Manually connect #### folder to the online library

You can synchronize a local folder with a folder in the cloud by selecting option **"5" "Sync with local folder "***. 1.

  1. select option "5".
  2. select the folder to be paired from the "Online Library ".
  3. select the corresponding "Local folder ".
Restart synchronization

Some problems in the synchronization can be solved by restarting. 1.

  1. choose and confirm option "6"
  2. select the connection to be restarted
  3. wait until the restart is done and the folders are in sync again.

Disconnect sync

If you don't want a sync connection anymore, you can disconnect it with this option. 1.

  1. select "7"
  2. tell which connection should be disconnected.

Show status

With "8" you can view all existing sync connections and see their sync status.

Console Exit

"9" exits the console. If this happens, type "luckycloud " and confirm with ENTER to restart the console. (you should not need this command normally and can run the console without problems).