Einbindung von Mail, CalDAV und CardDAV
Integration of luckycloud Mail, CalDAV and CardDAV
Find out how to integrate luckycloud Mail with your devices here.
Mail integration:
Learn how to integrate your luckycloud Mail for your applications here.
- add a new mail account
- enter your login data
- click on "Set up manually".
- "Protocol": IMAP
- "Hostname": imap.luckycloud.de
- "Port": 993
- "Connection Security": SSL/TLS
- "username": Your mail address at luckycloud Mail
- "Server for outgoing mail".
- "Hostname": smtp.luckycloud.de
- "Port": 465
- "Connection security": SSL/TLS
- "Username": Your luckycloud Mail mail address
"Password": Your luckycloud Mail password
- choose "add account" at mail
- in the providers view, select "Other mail account: ..."
- now enter your login data first.
- now open the advanced settings.
- at "username", enter your mail bitter again
- "Server for incoming mails": imap.luckycloud.de
- "Server for outgoing mails": smtp.luckycloud.de
- select "add account" in mail.
- in provider view, select "Other mail account: ..."
- now enter your login data
- now the advanced settings will open
- here please enter the following input:
a. Server for incoming mails:
Hostname: imap.luckycloud.de
Username: Your luckycloud Mail mail address
Password: Your luckycloud Mail password
b. Server for outgoing mails:
Hostname: smtp.luckycloud.de
Username: Your luckycloud Mail mail address
Password: Your luckycloud Mail password
CalDAV integration
This is how you can integrate your calendars into your applications via CalDAV:
- to find the link to your CalDAV, please go to https://office.luckycloud.de and click on the calendar icon in the top right corner.
- next to your calendar, click on the 3 dots.
- go to "Links to this calendar".
CalDAV in Android
To synchronize your calendars in Android, we recommend DAVx.
You can get this app either in Google playstore for 5€ or download the alternative playstore: F-Droid and get it for free.
- open DAVx and add a new account with the "+" at the bottom right.
- click on "Advanced Login".
- enter "office.luckycloud.de" at "Base URL".
- put a check mark at "Use name/password".
- enter your login data
- tap on "Login
CalDAV in macOS 12
- go to your preferences to "Internet Accounts
- select at "CalDAV account".
- in the provider view, select "Other"
- select "Advanced" for "Account type".
- at "Username" and "Password" please insert your login data.
- server address: office.luckycloud.de
- for server path please copy the part from the calendar link that starts with "/SOGo" and ends with "/Calendar".
- at "Port" enter 443 and tick "Use SSL".
- ready
CalDAV in iPhone
- go to "Calendar" in "Settings
- open "Accounts
- select "Add account
- select "Other" for the providers
- "Add CalDav account".
- "Server": office.luckycloud.de
- "Username" and "Password": your luckycloud Mail credentials
- "On Description" please copy the part from the calendar link that starts with "/SOGo" and ends on "/Calendar".
CardDAV integration
CardDAV in Android
To synchronize your contacts in Android we recommend DAVx.
You can get this app either in Google Playstore for 5€ or download the alternative Playstore: F-Droid and get it for free.
- open DAVx and add a new account with the "+" at the bottom right.
- click on "Advanced Login".
- enter "office.luckycloud.de" at "Base URL".
- put a check mark at "Use name/password".
- enter your login credentials
- tap on "Login
CardDAV in macOS 12
- go to your preferences to "Internet accounts".
- in the providers view, select "Other" and then "CardDAV account"
- select "Advanced" for "Account type".
- at "Username" and "Password" please insert your login credentials.
- server address: office.luckycloud.de
- for server path please copy the part from the calendar link that starts with "/SOGo" and ends with "/Contacts".
- at "Port" enter 443 and tick "Use SSL".
- done
CardDAV in iPhone
- go to "Contacts" in "Settings
- open "Accounts
- select "Add account
- select "Other" for providers
- "Add CardDav account".
- "Server": office.luckycloud.de
- "Username" and "Password": your luckycloud Mail login credentials
- "On Description" please copy the part from the calendar link that starts with "/SOGo" and ends on "/Contacts".