Einbindung von Mail, CalDAV und CardDAV

Integration of luckycloud Mail, CalDAV and CardDAV

Find out how to integrate luckycloud Mail with your devices here.













Mail integration:

Learn how to integrate your luckycloud Mail for your applications here.


  1. add a new mail account
  2. enter your login data
  3. click on "Set up manually".
  4. "Protocol": IMAP
  5. "Hostname": imap.luckycloud.de
  6. "Port": 993
  7. "Connection Security": SSL/TLS
  8. "username": Your mail address at luckycloud Mail
  9. "Server for outgoing mail".
  10. "Hostname": smtp.luckycloud.de
  11. "Port": 465
  12. "Connection security": SSL/TLS
  13. "Username": Your luckycloud Mail mail address
  14. "Password": Your luckycloud Mail password



  1. choose "add account" at mail
  2. in the providers view, select "Other mail account: ..." MacOS%20Anderer%20Mail-Account
  3. now enter your login data first. MacOS%20Mail%20kurz
  4. now open the advanced settings.
  5. at "username", enter your mail bitter again
  6. "Server for incoming mails": imap.luckycloud.de
  7. "Server for outgoing mails": smtp.luckycloud.de



  1. select "add account" in mail.
  2. in provider view, select "Other mail account: ..." 2022-02-04_14-55
  3. now enter your login data
  4. now the advanced settings will open
  5. here please enter the following input:

a. Server for incoming mails:

Hostname: imap.luckycloud.de

Username: Your luckycloud Mail mail address

Password: Your luckycloud Mail password

b. Server for outgoing mails:

Hostname: smtp.luckycloud.de

Username: Your luckycloud Mail mail address

Password: Your luckycloud Mail password


CalDAV integration

This is how you can integrate your calendars into your applications via CalDAV:

  1. to find the link to your CalDAV, please go to https://office.luckycloud.de and click on the calendar icon in the top right corner.
  2. next to your calendar, click on the 3 dots.2022-02-04_12-55
  3. go to "Links to this calendar".

CalDAV in Android

To synchronize your calendars in Android, we recommend DAVx. You can get this app either in Google playstore for 5€ or download the alternative playstore: F-Droid and get it for free.

  1. open DAVx and add a new account with the "+" at the bottom right.
  2. click on "Advanced Login".
  3. enter "office.luckycloud.de" at "Base URL".
  4. put a check mark at "Use name/password".
  5. enter your login data
  6. tap on "Login


CalDAV in macOS 12

  1. go to your preferences to "Internet Accounts
  2. select at "CalDAV account".
  3. in the provider view, select "Other" MacOS%20CalDAV%20Anderer
  4. select "Advanced" for "Account type".
  5. at "Username" and "Password" please insert your login data.
  6. server address: office.luckycloud.de
  7. for server path please copy the part from the calendar link that starts with "/SOGo" and ends with "/Calendar".
  8. at "Port" enter 443 and tick "Use SSL".
  9. ready MacOS%20CalDAV

CalDAV in iPhone

  1. go to "Calendar" in "Settings
  2. open "Accounts
  3. select "Add account
  4. select "Other" for the providers
  5. "Add CalDav account".
  6. "Server": office.luckycloud.de
  7. "Username" and "Password": your luckycloud Mail credentials
  8. "On Description" please copy the part from the calendar link that starts with "/SOGo" and ends on "/Calendar". iPhone%20CalDAV

CardDAV integration

CardDAV in Android

To synchronize your contacts in Android we recommend DAVx. You can get this app either in Google Playstore for 5€ or download the alternative Playstore: F-Droid and get it for free.

  1. open DAVx and add a new account with the "+" at the bottom right.
  2. click on "Advanced Login".
  3. enter "office.luckycloud.de" at "Base URL".
  4. put a check mark at "Use name/password".
  5. enter your login credentials
  6. tap on "Login


CardDAV in macOS 12

  1. go to your preferences to "Internet accounts".
  2. in the providers view, select "Other" and then "CardDAV account" MacOS%20CardDAV%20Account
  3. select "Advanced" for "Account type".
  4. at "Username" and "Password" please insert your login credentials.
  5. server address: office.luckycloud.de
  6. for server path please copy the part from the calendar link that starts with "/SOGo" and ends with "/Contacts".
  7. at "Port" enter 443 and tick "Use SSL".
  8. done MacOS%20CardDAV%20Server

CardDAV in iPhone

  1. go to "Contacts" in "Settings
  2. open "Accounts
  3. select "Add account
  4. select "Other" for providers
  5. "Add CardDav account".
  6. "Server": office.luckycloud.de
  7. "Username" and "Password": your luckycloud Mail login credentials
  8. "On Description" please copy the part from the calendar link that starts with "/SOGo" and ends on "/Contacts".iPhone%20CardDAV