In luckychat, you can create as many groups as you like and add the registered users. In these group chats, all participants can read and respond to messages. They promote collaboration by centralizing information and enabling quick coordination. This way, all involved parties can keep track, and important topics are not lost in individual conversations. Additionally, group chats can be flexibly adapted, for example, for project-based teams or departments, allowing communication to be managed in a targeted and efficient manner.
To create a group, click on the plus sign in the left bar on the home page of luckychat. Set the slider in the new window to "Group" and enter a group name. You can also select and upload a group image and set whether the group should be public – meaning it can be found by all registered users of your luckychat via the search function. Also, choose whether you want to additionally encrypt the group. This allows you to protect your chat with an access key against unauthorized access. Then click on "Create group and invite users".
Select the users you want to add to your group with the "Invite" button.
Once the invited users have confirmed, they are members of your created group.
All members can now write and respond to messages.