Email encryption
Encrypt emails
By default, the transport route for e-mail communication is TLS transport encrypted. Additionally the data transfer via email is secured at luckyloud with DNSSEC and DANE . This network protocol ensures that certificates cannot be exchanged unnoticed during transport. Unfortunately, only very few email providers offer this security protocol.
Here you can perform a security analysis of your email providers.
However, in many cases this protection is not sufficient. Email communication between two persons can therefore be encrypted with PGP (= Pretty Good Privacy). PGP is the end-to-end encryption for emails and works similarly.
Encrypt emails with PGP in Webmailer
- log in to the
- click on the [Settings] icon ( at the bottom left.
- select OpenPGP.
- Import the public key of the recipient you want to communicate with in encrypted form. Click on "Import OpenPGP key " to do this.
- generate yourself a Private Key and a Public Key. Click on "Generate OpenPGP key ".
- Enter the following information:
Email address for which you want to create the PGP keys.
Name: Under which name should the key be saved? So you can distinguish the keys later, if you have created several PGP keys.
Password: You must enter the password if you want to send an encrypted email address.
- Key length: The longer a key, the more secure. Therefore we recommend an encryption with 4096 Bit**.
- Then click on "Generate ".
- please save your keys carefully. Currently the keys are only in the browser cache. As soon as you empty your browser cache, you also delete the keys.
- You can now send an email to your recipient by writing an unformatted message. Click on the HTML < - > Text-Button.
- Go to the mail menu (the three dashes at the top right) and select "OpenPGP ".
- Now click on "Signature" and enter the Password you created during the OpenPGP key generation.
- Under "Signature" you must select "Select private keys" and under "Encryption" you must select "Add public key".
- encrypt your previously written message content with "sign and encrypt ".
- With "Send " you send the encrypted email.
So that your recipient can decrypt the message, you must inform the recipient of your Public Key.