Log in to luckychat

How do I log in to luckychat?

If the login does not occur automatically, log in to your customer dashboard via the luckycloud website.

Enter your company's desired domain in the "Your Domain" field. This option offers you the advantage that the chat is accessible under your own, company-specific address – ideal for an individual, brand-compliant presentation.

Alternatively, you can use the standard domain from luckycloud, (lucky-chat.de), for a quick setup. This is useful if you want to test the service first or prefer not to use your own domain. Your room will then be directly accessible under a subdomain like "yourname.lucky-chat.de".


You now have the option to adjust the number of users and storage space according to your chosen settings. By clicking on "Apply," you can proceed to customize the visual appearance of your chat.


  1. Give your chat a name.
  2. Upload your logo with a transparent background and your favicon for the browser tab.
  3. Select a background image for your login area.
  4. Use the two color codes to perfectly match your meeting to your corporate design.
  5. By clicking on "Apply," you will return to the overview of your settings. Click on "Try for free for 14 days" to start your trial period.
  6. In your dashboard, you will now see that we are preparing luckychat for you. Typically, the solution is ready for use within five to ten minutes.

Next: How do I add more users to luckychat?